Elizabeth Eugenia (James) LaBozetta
Books and Short Stories by Elizabeth Eugenia (James) LaBozetta
Taking Lives
A Handbook for Those Suffering Medical Harm
(and for those who haven’t—yet)
You can read this book, free, on any device (cell phone, e-reader, computer, etc.) by clicking HERE
You can download her latest .pdf version of this book, for free, HERE
Lives Taken
The Atrocity In The Introduction And Training Of
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
You can download her latest .pdf version of this book, for free, HERE
Because of You
Respect is earned. Trust is given. Loyalty is demonstrated.
And betrayal of any one of these is to lose all three.
Elizabeth Eugenia (James) LaBozetta's latest book, "Because of You", is underway.
We include the Forward and Chapter 1 HERE.
Short stories by Elizabeth Eugenia (James) LaBozetta
Memories of a childhood (Read Here)
I can go there anytime . . . . (Read Here)
Author Biography
“Oncoming death is terrible enough, but worse still is oncoming death with time to spare, time in which all the happiness that was yours and all the happiness that might have been yours becomes clear to you. You see with utter lucidity all that you are losing. The sight brings on an oppressive sadness that no car about to hit you or water about to drown you can match. The feeling is truly unbearable.” pages 147-148 “The Life Of Pi” by Yann Martel
I am a 62-year old housewife, who lives in Columbus, Ohio–the organized crime capital of the mid-west, who did not get to finish her college degree in Advertising Design at the Columbus College Of Art And Design due to a botched, unnecessary laparoscopic gallbladder surgery back in its introductory phase and a deliberately ignored, hospital-acquired staph infection.
When I was injured I was a 37-year-old stay-at-home wife and mother to three children and a part-time college student working slowly on my degree. Life was good. I had plans and a bright future ahead of me–until someone(s) else wanted something from me they were not entitled to and hijacked my life in service to their own enrichment–done to me, and thousands just like me.
There was a whole community of surgeons to be trained at once, in the introductory phase of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, and too few valid gallbladder disease cases to go around for all to train on–so they made some—and were grabbing up every warm body they could con onto the teaching hospital/training mill’s operating room tables.
I fit two of their “expendable” profiles: housewife and “club” outsider. After the inevitable injuries occurred, and I was infected with hospital-acquired coaglasenegative staph (that was deliberately ignored and allowed to blow through my body and permanently damage my liver, heart, spleen, and kidneys) I received that special “education I never wanted” about the secret, hidden, dark side of medicine, law, law enforcement, and government.
My husband and I ended up financially enslaved to the very ones who put me here and keeps me here.
I knew something was terribly wrong with the strange lack of interest and intervention when symptoms began to appear immediately after surgery and no doctor would accept me as a patient. Emergency rooms routinely turned me away—even the ones out of town. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. The doctors kept saying: “I don’t want to get involved” but would never say involved in what, exactly. Because I couldn’t get a response to my increasing symptoms I decided I’d have to help myself and began researching at the public library and medical libraries.
About two years after my injury I placed an ad in our local newspaper hoping to find others suffering after gallbladder surgery and got a response I never could have imagined: hundreds poured out, even people from other states whose Ohio friends or relatives saw my ad and contacted them. Then came thousands. We exchanged detail of our experiences–and then I knew. Some of us started researching and exchanged what we’d uncovered–and what we uncovered is an atrocity of holocaust proportions and unfathomable viciousness. The “devil” truly IS in the detail.
We were all getting the same strange lack of interest and response to our miserable and increasing symptoms. We had all been sent in referral to the same local gastroenterologists who told each one of us the same SCRIPTED lies and inflicted the same vicious verbal abuse and psychological battery: “You are the ONLY ONE complaining after that surgery! NOBODY else is claiming to have the problems you say you are having! I think you are just a hypochondriac, attention-seeker, drug-seeker, liar...! You probably did this to yourself. In any case, your symptoms just aren’t possible and don’t make sense.” All carefully scripted lies–designed to stonewall us past the point of no return and allow us to die off deliberately untreated. Monsters... .
And then the news program PrimeTime Live did a piece on this new surgery about how surgeons were botching it so badly they were creating an enormous load of injury victims in their wake that nobody knew how to fix...and that is when we realized we were in deep trouble: “hundreds dead; thousands injured” And what happened to those “thousands injured” in this initial training frenzy?
Nobody wants to talk about that. Why? Because the answer is horrifying, shocking in its magnitude: the criminal elite decided it was in their best-interests all around to kill us off by calculated neglect. Only one segment of injury victim would receive an early, proper response: the ones whose cases collapsed while still under the hospital roof and could not be ignored or masqueraded to another cause.
With the one-day hospital stay most cases collapse after discharge and would be disposed of by the natural progression of the injury(s) deliberately untreated. That is what happened to me. And to thousands of others.There is abundant literature about this atrocity, and its many features, in the medical syndicate’s own trade literature; little was actually hidden. The medical syndicate banked upon the fact most people will not research, or even know where to look to ferret out the necessary/relevant information–most likely we’d all be dead before we ever knew what hit us anyhow. Their intent was to get rid of us, deliberately untreated, as fast and as cheaply as possible, by calculated neglect.
And it almost worked... .
I am dying, am very ill with all the classic and miserable symptoms of kidney failure and don’t expect to last much longer. My heart and liver are also permanently damaged and the wanton neglect of these injuries has sealed my fate–even if the perpetrators of this crime wanted to reverse what they have done to me at this late date, it can’t be undone. I am locked into a death spiral that cannot be reversed. Their abuses never end...never.
I recently caught the locals in yet another conspiracy: they were concealing Stage 4 kidney failure that was allowed to progress deliberately untreated past the point of no return, gotten from the kidney damage the deliberately-untreated, hospital-acquired, staph infection caused when I had my botched gallbladder surgery–and the ongoing inflammatory response in my immune system.
The bunglers couldn’t even get their own cover-up straight. It was obviously intended that I never find out...one day I’d just drop dead of a heart attack or stroke from toxin buildup and solve their problem for them–but that is going to happen anyhow, whether I know about the cause or not. Providence intervened in my behalf and I managed to acquire proof. Little good it does me now though, at this late date. It only lets me know how depraved the medical syndicate has truly become and how low they have sank in their slavery to greed and corruption. At any point along the way someone, anyone, could have told me the truth and given me the information I needed to slow, halt, or reverse this particular disease with the standard dietary restrictions. But they CHOSE not to...and that choice tells me all I need to know about the ones who did this.
“We never forgive them whom we have wronged”