Taking Lives (Pt 2)

Taking Lives
(Part Two)

Teaching Hospitals and Resident Training

   Most, if not all, hospitals today are teaching hospitals. Some of us believe the only teaching hospitals are directly attached to a university but that is not true. This can be a hard fact to swallow but I tell those who do not believe it to go to the hospital website and dig through their pages because that particular information is usually included in there somewhere. Or just pick up the phone and make a call. This is where the surprise comes: it IS a teaching hospital. Even the hospitals owned and operated by the health insurance companies are teaching hospitals and have no hesitation in using up the lives of their policyholders training residents surgery on the sly. They get paid by the government, from our Medicare funds, to train residents.

   So, what does this mean? It means your surgery is (or was) performed by a green trainee–with all its attendant, and undisclosed, risks because these green trainees make their worst mistakes in the first 20-50 of each procedure they perform. And because they are protected from prosecution by something called “sovereign immunity” due to the government funding their training, once the inevitable injuries or deaths occur, their victims will be stuck for the whole tab.

   The teaching hospital has contracted with the government, for pay, to train residents and to provide learning experiences so each resident can meet their credentialing quotas.

   Unlike the privately-owned hospitals, the teaching hospitals attached to a university will usually tell us beforehand that resident surgery training will take place when our surgery is performed. Most people assume this will be the case just from the fact the hospital is attached to a university medical school. But the hospitals that are not attached to a university seldom, if ever, disclose that vital information before or after–and that is where the problem lies.

   That already-trained, already-practicing, experienced surgeon we met with in their office who presented his/her own credentials and certification as inducement to move forward with the recommended surgery? That we were led to believe we had selected from our health insurers booklet of providers, that we were sold when we bought our health insurance policies? That is not who we will get when we are anesthetized on the operating room table and cannot say “no” when the green trainee is sneaked in–a green trainee who may be performing the first one of its kind. A green trainee who is working under the supervision of the surgeon, who might be supervising more than one green trainee in more than one operating room–or not be in the area at all, or even in the building. If present at all, we had better hope the surgeon is in our room supervising if-or-when something goes wrong because that green trainee will have to wing it until help arrives, if it arrives.

   Their programmed-in argument for doing this is: “well, doctors have to learn somehow!” Yes, they do have to learn somehow. But this is NOT the way to do it. It is illegal. And immoral. Our right to a full informed consent and our right to self-determination trump their need for warm bodies to train residents’ surgery on. The perpetrators of this crime know that. They know they are committing a crime and that is why they routinely hide it.

   They know it is a breach of the spirit and intent of a full informed consent–which is a legal requirement before proceeding.

   They know substituting any other surgeon than the one we had consented for to do our surgery, without our knowledge or consent, is a slam-dunk battery charge in court. “Ghost Surgery” is illegal.

   They know their resident trainees are protected from prosecution for the injuries they cause by secret “sovereign immunity” protocols because the government funds their training through Medicare funds and the already-practicing surgeon is ultimately responsible for what the trainee does.

   And they know they are billing at the already-trained, already practicing, experienced surgeon’s rate. We are being sold, and are paying for, a Ferrari and being slipped a bicycle replacement. What other industry would be allowed to get away with this level of fraud and deception?

   Another argument exists when the teaching hospital is owned by a health insurance company that sells policies to the public and promises “quality care” and provides its policyholders a booklet of already-practicing physicians to choose from–when they know the policyholder is going to have that already-practicing surgeon switched for a green trainee in their operating room:  We were not sold, nor did we buy, the services of a green trainee. We bought the already-practicing surgeon and his/her credentials and experience.

 Switching the already-practicing surgeon for a green trainee on the sly is classic “bait-and­-switch” fraud.

 Deceiving policyholders about who is going to be performing their surgery and cheating them of the opportunity to say “no” is a crime: “fraud in the inducement”.

 It is also a violation of informed consent laws.

*”Ghost Surgery” is a battery charge because we did not give consent for that person to touch us.

   Green student training in the teaching hospitals, without adequate supervision and a full informed consent, is the single largest reason for the high rate of deaths and injuries from surgeries performed. One of their “tricks” is to admit a target “for observation” from their emergency room then coerce whatever surgery is being trained by refusing to write a discharge paper and flagrantly lying about the health insurer’s “policy” of refusing payment for the whole stay IF their target leaves without a discharge paper instead of having the suggested surgery, taunting them with getting stuck for the bills out-of-pocket–I know two people this happened to.

   Health insurers using up the lives of their policyholders to train their residents surgery and getting paid for it violates the health insurance policy contract they’ve sold us: they owe US the service we have contracted for exactly as written. We owe no service backward to them of any kind especially as “training material/teaching material” for residents to practice on. They have no right to use us to make money on, especially without a full informed consent.

   This practice, in any other venue, is called HUMAN TRAFFICKING. And it is human trafficking in its worst form. They are permanently injuring and killing trusting, innocent people then sticking them, or their family, with the tab.

People should not be forced to bankroll their own murder. Yet we are harnessed up and made to do that very thing with no viable way out from under it.


The Columbus Dispatch, newspaper (Ohio), Letters To The Editor March 3, 2013 “Nation Needs More Doctor-Training Funds” by Steven G. Grabbe, CEO Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University QUOTE: “Residency is funded mainly by federal and state government grants to teaching hospitals. Medicare pays the most at about 9.5 billion annually and Medicaid contributes about 2 billion according to the journal Health Affairs.”  “Every teaching hospital in the nation relies on government graduate medical education dollars.”

Norfolk Daily News (Nebraska), August or September 1997, “Medicare paying Price For The Glut Of Physicians” QUOTE: “Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of the consumer watchdog group Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, said the glut of doctor has translated into “people getting operations they don’t need…” 

The Chicago Tribune, 9-23-2012, By Deborah L. Shelton QUOTE: “…but in some cases, patient advocates say, there can be an actual bait-and-switch, when a prominent surgeon promises to carry out the procedure but does not.”

New England Journal Of Medicine, 2015; 372:2477-2479, By Chryssa McAllister MD “Breaking The Silence Of The Switch–Increasing Transparency About Trainee Participation In Surgery”  QUOTE:“And whether the increase in risk is real or potential, fears about patients’ reactions lead many physicians to wonder whether patients should be informed about it. If they are, will residents have fewer opportunities to operate? Will patients become unduly anxious? Will “word get out” and negatively affect referrals? The literature on patient consent for trainee participation in surgery is conflicting but suggests that the more realistic the scenario provided to patients, the less likely they are to consent to trainee participation, especially by junior trainees. Gan et al. highlight the influence of the surgeon on the informed-consent discussion; they found that a detailed, scripted disclosure of trainee participation resulted in 95% of 106 patients agreeing to trainee involvement. The authors admit, however, that they did not disclose the potential increased risk of complications, since they presumed it to be understood.”

“Patients have clearly stated that they want to be informed, and lack of disclosure regarding trainee participation in surgeries may already have eroded public trust. U.S. courts agree, and legal precedents have deemed “ghost surgery” — in which one surgeon is replaced by another without the patient’s consent — battery on the part of the operating surgeon (in this case, the trainee) and fraud on the part of the surgeon who was given consent (here, the supervising surgeon). Physicians have an ethical duty to provide patients with the information they need to autonomously make medical decisions, including the decision to accept or reject a treating physician. Yet we also have a societal and professional obligation to train future surgeons to care for future patients. What if we proudly and openly discussed resident participation with our patients instead of ashamedly hiding our need to train future surgeons?”

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/human%20trafficking “Definition Of Human Trafficking”: Organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor)


Errors, Mistakes, And System Failure Verses Intentional

    There is no real way to completely eliminate true errors and mistakes. People get distracted, forget, fail to follow procedure in spite of training, mix-ups occur, equipment fails. Things happen without intention to do harm but harm happens anyhow.

   It is what activates after a true error or mistake that drags the event into a whole other category because what is done to cover up is 100% preventable–and is 100% intentional. The lying, records tampering, denial, refusal to give a correct diagnosis, failure to offer proper treatment, the verbal abuse, false accusations, threats, bullying, runaround, financial enslavement, and so on into infinity is deliberate, premeditated, coldly calculated, and icily delivered. 

   I judge acts by intention. A true error or mistake is forgivable. What comes after is not. What comes after is dangerous, inhumane, disrespectful, predatory… and criminal.

   And then there are the harmful acts that are intentional right out of the starting gate. Lying to a patient and tricking them into surgery (or invasive procedure) they absolutely do not need done solely for dangerous student training purposes, deliberately withholding a correct diagnosis to protect another doctor from exposure of a medical malpractice event, falsifying lab results, tampering with x-ray images, verbal abuse designed to emotionally batter a target into despair, and so on into infinity. These acts, too, are 100% preventable. 

   There is no real incentive to make changes. The rewards of wrong-doing and dirty-work are too great for the greed-crazed and morally bankrupt to pass up.

   WHY does it always come as a surprise to the medical syndicate that people do not like to be tortured, robbed, and murdered? When confronted about the damage they’d caused they lay claim to the notion “the practice of medicine is an art, not a science” at the same time they are trying to wrangle control and dictate…can’t have it both ways.



The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,  10-24 to 28-1993, “Medication Errors” By Steven Twedt (part 4 “Nobody’s Watching), QUOTE: “For example, Ennis said, they heard unconfirmed reports that doctors would “sit” on patients who developed blood clots shortly after surgery, rather than return them to surgery. The reason: an immediate return to surgery would be a reportable incident under New York state law, something doctors wanted to avoid. Ennis said: “What we are hearing from all over the place is, ‘You know, you guys are preventing people from getting appropriate care.’ Believe it nor not, the doctors were blaming it on us.”


The Two-Visit-Ditch

   After an injury occurs, inflicted by a surgeon or a surgeon-in-training more likely, care is shifted to other doctors in the community–either to primary care doctors and/or to specialists–and they don’t want it. The doctor who caused the injury is removed from the picture–at least on the face of it. What we don’t know, and are not intended to know, is that no other doctor is allowed to actively intervene without a referral, and permission, from the surgeon who caused the injury. And if any doctor takes it upon himself or herself to break ranks and accept another doctor’s injury victim as a patient and offers treatment of his or her choosing, without a referral or permission from the surgeon of record, the State Medical Board will go after them if they find out about it. It is considered “unethical” for any doctor to interfere in another doctor’s injury case.

   Also, the doctors in the community don’t want to accept surgeons injury victims for another reason: if they accept one as a patient, without a referral and permission from the original surgeon, and take it upon themselves to treat that injury, the entire responsibility shifts solely upon their shoulders and whatever happens after that, whether they were the root cause or not, is diverted onto them.

   After injury we will never again be allowed to find, and utilize the services of, a doctor of our own choosing. We will be funneled to a specific collection of doctors in the community who the power-elite has designated, based upon unique personality traits that give them permission to lie and abuse without conscience, the most reliably heartless sociopaths who can be trusted best to follow the cover-up protocols to the letter. As a reward for this service to the medical community these “special” doctors are sent lots of referrals. Every community has this kind of collection and this collection is made up of primary care doctors and specialists of every kind. This includes lab technicians, radiologists, and any other medical professional who are the only ones allowed to get involved in our medical care at every level, forever after.

   If we are so bold as to resist this kind of control and micro-managing, try to step out on our own and seek the care of a doctor we feel best suits our needs, one who is not on the “appointed liar” list, this is what will happen:

 Our request for an appointment will not be accepted outright. The doctors who do this are usually the ones who “don’t want to get involved” with what is going on and are not comfortable with what they would have to do to us if they accepted us as a patient. Not all agree with the cover-up-and-abuse program and refuse to participate. Unfortunately, they will also not take a stand against the willing participants and try to put a stop to it either.

Our request for an appointment will be accepted but we will be bombarded with verbal abuse and false accusations so vicious we will not feel comfortable returning.

Our request will be accepted but the doctor will quickly manufacture an excuse to dump us at the first opportunity.

Our request will be accepted and we will be given an appointment so far into the future it hardly seems worth bothering with, then, right before the appointment date, it will be cancelled and another far-flung appointment will be offered. This one, too, will be cancelled right before the appointment date or one of the other methods to get rid of us will be inflicted at the visit.

We will be given an appointment but when we arrive at the designated day and time the staff will smirk and announce that there is no appointment for us on their books and send us home.

Our request will be accepted, the doctor will be very warm, friendly, and welcoming on the first visit. We will be told that they want very much to help us–but first they have to run some tests. Expensive, painful, and dangerous tests. A lot of tests. The wrong tests for the true condition(s) “because we have to find out what is going on before we can make a correct diagnosis and offer relief or intervention”. (it is a lie; they already know what is wrong with us and what the correct intervention is) Or they will order the right tests and the results will be manipulated to reflect whatever suits the cover-up best and create the paper trail the cover-up demands.

   Full of hope and relief, we undergo their load of prescribed testing. Full of hope that help has finally arrived we go to a second office appointment never suspecting a second visit is all we are going to get, per the standardized abuse program: that friendly, warm doctor we saw at the first visit makes a complete personality reversal. At the second visit the doctor is angry and verbally abusive in the standardized manner of the cover-up program. We are told our tests were all “normal” and not to come back.

   First office visits traditionally cost more than subsequent visits; all we get is one or two visits.

   The goal is to soak us for as much as can be extracted and then dump us. It is a psychological battery designed to discourage us from trying to find useful care outside their referrals and to deplete our financial resources–and fill their pockets as a reward in dark service to the medical syndicate who routinely funnels us to them.

   We are lured into this trap by opportunistic doctors comfortable with preying upon our suffering and our hope to be restored to our original condition. The trap snaps shut at the second visit.

   The core issue is control: the perpetrators want to be in charge of who we seek care from, what we are told, what we are offered, what we are never offered, what diagnoses are given, which ones will never be given, which tests we can have, which tests we can’t have, what the medical record will include, what it can never include.

   What we are not supposed to know is that this is one of the many games they pull from their war chest designed to build hope then knock it down, to knock us down into despair and get us back under control, immobilize us. And plunder our assets to the limit to which we will allow, with the full knowledge, through long experience, that suffering people will go anywhere, do anything, pay anything, for even the ghost of a chance of getting well again. This game has a name: “the two-visit-ditch”



“Intensive Care” (book) by Echo Heron RN, page 58-59, Quote: “I’m not quite sure what you are asking me to do. You should know I can’t interfere with another physician’s treatment of a patient without being consulted.” “No, I’m sorry, I can’t so that. It’s not ethical,…”

   A registered nurse posted this message to one of my associates in response to a question about WHY she could not get another doctor to take her on as a patient after she was the victim of a surgeon’s malpractice: “Most doctors won’t step in when another doctor has done something since they have no way of knowing exactly what the first doctor had in mind (they’d need your record for that information). If they do and they mess up what the first doctor did, then they are liable and they’re in a heap of trouble with the licensing board.”


Cover-Up Program Standard

   This “program” is written with particular attention paid to the injury victims created at a botched laparoscopic cholecystectomy; the overall program applies to all injury victims however. This cover-up-and-abuse program is standardized coast-to-coast. (And unfortunately, from country to country) I have come to know it is also being used in Canada, England, and Australia. If you are an injury victim I am certain you will recognize some, if not all, of the features described here.

   We have all been secretly divided into one of two categories based on our social, educational, and economic status and attachments: “high priority” or “low priority”. Each category has a set list of healthcare offerings allotted to it and the medical syndicate will not be moved from the dictates of that list no matter how “special” we think we are. Only those tagged “high priority” get the most and best; “low priority” gets the very least the medical syndicate can get away with and is first in line for drug and device testing, student surgery training, and we are organ donors, never recipients. Most of us are tagged “low priority”.

   Once injured, we are tagged “scrap” and additional burdens are applied to us: drug testing, device testing, additional student surgery training, new surgical procedures. The “club’s” justification for imposing this brand of slavery is: “WE CAN’T BREAK WHAT IS ALREADY BROKEN.” We cannot get what we actually need; we will only get what they want us to have based on their needs and desires, not ours. New Medicine has a sociopathically inhumane “eat what you kill” ethic that dictates when one of their membership creates an injury of the magnitude of a bile duct injury, one that can’t be easily or cheaply repaired, the victim will be claimed as “scrap” and utilized to the maximum until everything that can be extracted from them has been taken away.


The Standardized Cover-Up Program:

   When the injury victim begins manifesting the inevitable symptoms of the doctor-caused injury a standardized set of behaviors kick in no matter who our doctors are or where they are located; they are all reading from the same “script”. The doctors in North Carolina are abusing injury victims the exact same ways as the doctors in Ohio—and Kentucky, Missouri, and so on. (and Canada, England, Australia…) Think about your own case information as you read through this text and the patterns that emerge are clear:  

1) IGNOR, DENY, CHALLENGE: This is the medical syndicate’s first line of defense: “it didn’t happen”, “we don’t see anything”, “you’re crazy”, “you’re a hypochondriac”. “there’s nothing wrong with you”. They will not be moved from this defense no matter what symptoms manifest or what evidence to the contrary materializes. They will see us dead untreated before they will move from this unified defense. Malpractice liability is present and the malpractice insurance company rules dictate certain kinds of injuries never be acknowledged (other injuries will be acknowledged and responded to only after the Statute Of Repose or Statute Of Limitations expire: which can take up to seven years in certain states).

   It is never to be formally acknowledged if the injury is something expensive-to-treat-properly that our own health insurance company doesn’t want to pay for. Or if a government funded/sovereign-immunity-protected green trainee/medical student who was sneaked in to perform our surgery in a teaching hospital was the one who actually injured us. It is never to be acknowledged if we are tagged “low priority” and proper intervention is allotted only to those tagged “high priority”. Our injury will never be acknowledged if we were covertly taken as a guinea pig to test an experimental device or drug on without our knowledge or consent; once pulled into such a program it is strictly hands-off and no doctor is allowed to touch us again without permission: the experiment has to run its course without interference.

   Injury at laparoscopic gallbladder surgery meets all of the features above: there is malpractice, it is nearly impossible to restore the person to his/her original condition, it is expensive to treat properly, our health insurers do not want to pay for proper aftercare because it is lifelong and expensive, if it was done in a teaching hospital we can bet we had a green trainee performing it on the sly, we were used as “teaching material”, and if we were not already tagged “low priority” we would not have been subjected to this horror in the first place.

2) TESTS ARE BEGUN: Tests on common and rare diseases, tests strung out over weeks, then months, and eventually years–if we live long enough. Tests that are nearly always negative because they are the WRONG tests for the true condition. (or tests that are routinely falsified when they are the rights tests and can show something wrong, like bloodwork and x-rays, CT Scans, MRIs) Ordering lots of tests is a PERFORMANCE designed to make the doctors involved in our healthcare LOOK good on the surface, makes a presentation that the doctors “care” about us and that they are “doing something” for us, trying to find the source of our increasing misery. Nobody could come back on them later and claim the patient was neglected, right? Just look at all those tests! Too bad the doctors could not find anything wrong or offer a correct diagnosis, just have no idea what could be wrong… “maybe it is this, maybe it is that. let’s do more tests!” Then more tests on top of those tests. The targeted patient’s bank account is cleaned out and they are run into debt; their doctors prey on their trust and ignorance, their desire to get well and be restored to their original condition–and to erect the facade of due diligence and plunder our assets.

   This testing con serves four purposes and none of it is to the benefit of the injured and sick patient: perpetual testing makes it look like the medical syndicate is responding to our injury, we are kept coming back for monitoring of the true condition so they can cause us more damage faster by applying certain “interventions” at the appropriate times as we deteriorate untreated, using us to train residents on in the student training mills and testing labs, and conning us out of our savings by running up a huge medical debt up on us for all that “care” we never actually got. We are kept busy and distracted, kept close to the doctors of the local medical syndicate’s choice, confidence and trust is maintained (but only for a while, which is why they have to act fast and stack on as much debt as possible, and do as much damage to us as possible, early in the relationship) in the doctors who “care so much and try so hard”so we keep returning to the very ones murdering us. Worse is that we PAY them to do it, eventually with everything we have. The goal is to keep us coming back to them so we can be manipulated and the standardized facade can be erected without interference–which keeps us busy and quiet, trusting and ignorant, until they can get us into the ground as fast and as cheaply as possible, with as much of our estates cleverly extracted and the costs tolled to US as possible. Much easier to accomplish with a ignorant, trusting, and co-operative victim.

People should not be tricked into, or forced, to bankroll their own murder.

   The standard of care is criminally reversed: we get improperly performed invasive procedures designed to make us worse faster, we are prescribed prescription drugs that accelerate our damage, are deliberately neglected when infection sets in. How can we know that ERCP is never to be performed without IV antibiotic protection and that it should never be done during active cholangitis? How can we know Erythromycin and Seldane should never be combined? How can we know combining non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with H2 Blockers doubles the risk of a fatal hemorrhage in normal people and the odds go through the roof in people who already have liver or kidney damage? We outsiders don’t usually know these kinds of things and cannot protect ourselves from predation–and that is what these murdering technopaths are banking on. Without a full, and clean, disclosure and an honest assessment in front of us, there is no way we can protect ourselves from predation.

   Things that could actually help us are deliberately withheld.

   Early in our injury the doctors are on hand and available, monitoring, to make sure things go according to their schedule and to the medical syndicate’s best advantage, are unified to tell the right lies, in the right order in a consistent fashion, are on hand to mollify dissent in the victim and the victim’s family. “Trust us!” they say. “Just let us do our jobs without interference!” as if we have no real stake in the outcome. Small prescriptions are written to keep us coming back often so control and dependence can be maintained. Every effort is made to contain us locally; we might get fed up with the runaround we are getting and wander off to another town, state, or country and by blind luck get the diagnosis and care that is being deliberately withheld at home. These are excruciating injuries with many symptoms scattered all over the body. We need to believe the source of this misery will eventually be identified and treated soon; we need to believe the people we have entrusted with our lives have placed the same value on them that we do.

   Eventually, however, even the most naive victims start to catch on to the fact that something is very, very wrong with the response, rather the lack of useful response, we are getting from our doctors for our increasing symptoms: it slowly dawns on us that perpetual testing is not the same thing as actually receiving medical intervention for our problems and months later we are in a worse place than we were than when we started. So we start asking questions the doctors do not want to answer. This is when the medical mafia viciously turns on us and reveals their true character and intentions: they want to murder us with our full co-operation on THEIR schedule. Pain control is deliberately withheld and a lesson in blind obedience is inflicted in an attempt to coerce cooperation and compliance. If we question or resist, the abuse is heaped on to the point of insanity. This is when we will get to see, and experience, a very dark side of medicine most do not know exists. This is when we get that “education” we never wanted.

   If we ask too many questions, point out discrepancies in what we are being told, seek care without referral to a doctor of OUR choice (not all doctors can be relied upon with 100% certainty to lie, tell the RIGHT lies, and some refuse participation in atrocity and therefore never get any of us sent to them in referral), if we resist or dissent in any way the next phase in the cover-up program kicks in: the increasing abuse, the psychological battery, the emotional erosion, the active discrediting, the mental torture…eventually leading to actual physical torture, terrorism, and finally execution ahead of schedule for the most troublesome victims.

   This is the point where a targeted victim has to ask themselves some tough questions: If I am not getting anything useful, am not ever going to get anything useful, why co-operate?

Should I co-operate by digging my own grave so they don’t have to do the work or do I chase them with the shovel instead? Your choice: you can bow down, grovel, and lick the boots of the ones killing you and make it as easy on them as possible so they are not inconvenienced in any way. Or you can fight them every inch to the grave with the hope if enough follow suit it will become more trouble than it is worth. The end is going to go the same route no matter what we do…so why make it easy for them?

3) CALL IN CONSULTANTS: When one opinion is no longer enough to keep the injury victim quiet, carefully selected consultants are called in by our surgeon or family doctor who also do tests, the wrong tests, and find out what you DON’T have. These consultants will be chosen by our surgeon or family doctor; they can’t have us making these kinds of selections because we might happen onto an honest doctor outside their circle-of-power who hasn’t been properly trained in patient abuse or one who has no interest or talent in it–or outright refuses to do it. There is hope an unrelated condition will be found that everything can be blamed on. Testing is done in that consultant’s own area of expertise that even one symptom matches. No correct diagnosis is offered. Once in a while a diagnosis is offered of a benign nature like “lactose intolerance” or some such thing that means nothing, is used as a distraction/diversion.

   The surgeon who caused our injury is stacking the deck in his/her favor at our expense by sending us out to these “special” consultants: pre-selected, carefully-chosen, specifically-trained abusers we refer to as “the appointed liars”. The doctors selected for this service to the medical syndicate are chosen because they possess certain personality/psychological deficits that act to make them enjoy abusing people who they know cannot fight back on a level playing field. Each area has a complete “set” of these monsters in all specialties; their job is to lie to and abuse malpractice victims. They are heavily rewarded for this service to the medical syndicate in lots of referrals and the opportunity to get rich performing unnecessary tests.

   Once in a while their system breaks down, however, and something incriminating slips out (or is slipped to us by a doctor, nurse or technician who still has a conscience and hates what they see going on around them, hates what they are forced to do to people to be able to keep a job in this town, any town.) Never reveal the identity of the person who has stuck their neck out for you; they will be punished and reprogrammed. And they will not tell you anything again. Also, word will get out that you cannot be trusted and other honest people will shun you too.

   “It’s all in your head, dear”, “Your perception is off”, “You need a psychiatrist”, “You need to be locked up” are standardized BUZZ-PHRASES the doctors have been programmed with to knock injury victims down: they are operating from the premise that “a good offense is the best defense” and if they call us “crazy” first then they don’t have to look any further into themselves and find out who the REAL crazies actually are.

   While we are seeing their crooked consultants we are not getting the help WE need but the surgeon who injured us is getting something: he/she is getting one more confirmation on the record that he/she did nothing wrong, that there is nothing wrong with us, and our health insurance company is getting something too: nothing seen is nothing offered in proper care; nothing offered is nothing spent. Precious time passes and eventually our injuries erode past the point of no return and nothing can be done to save us. Bile duct injury has a one-month window of opportunity for a proper surgical repair by a specialist at a center equipped to handle an injury of this magnitude. We are deliberately stalled past that one-month window. After that opportunity is deliberately spoiled, all the health insurers have to provide us is a cheap “symptomatic relief only” and wait until we drop dead untreated–something that can take up to fifteen years, usually one to six years. It’s called rationing. This evil is used heavily against cancer patients too: instead of following the standard of care when a woman presents with a lump in her breast the crooked doctor will not respond appropriately–on purpose, will not order a biopsy, but instead will take advantage of her trust and tell her: “let’s watch this for a year and see what happens” knowing full-well in a year the cancer will be all over her body and, (what people aren’t told) is if the cancer hasn’t spread the health insurers are obligated to offer full intervention BUT if the cancer has spread, or been deliberately ignored and ALLOWED to spread through calculated neglect, all the insurer is obligated to provide is cheapo symptomatic relief. Ditto for kidney failure. If a correct diagnosis is deliberately withheld and the patient’s increasing symptoms are ignored and/or lied about the health insurer gets to skip out on providing expensive intervention. And that means more money for the stockholders. And more money available to pay those enormous CEO salaries. And to provide those tagged “high priority” with the level of intervention none of us tagged “low priority” will ever be allowed to receive. I’ll bet our health insurance policies did not mention anything about rationing: that we’d be killed by deliberate, calculated neglect if we came down with something expensive-to-treat and lifelong. That we’d get nothing if we were tagged “low priority” and proper care would only be doled out to people on the “high priority” list. No, we weren’t told that. If we had been told first we would not have been so quick to jump onto their operating tables and then the students the teaching hospitals get paid to train would not be able to meet their credentialing quotas in order to get certified.

   It is women who have surgery most, women who are traditionally targeted with this kind of abuse, discrediting, and oppression when the perpetrators are confronted with dissent. Women make easy targets as a whole, are easily bullied into silence, too afraid to “make waves”, too afraid to challenge “authority figures”. The climate changes dramatically when we show we are NOT going to be one of the “good ones” who do exactly as we are told, pay the debts run up on us without question, and die on schedule, ignorant, with our mouths shut tight.

4.) THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BATTERING BEGINS: If we can’t be manipulated to co-operate fully then we must be broken down. The doctors want easy victims. They want to orchestrate the facade of their choosing without interference. They do not want questions or accountability, don’t want their goals thwarted. It is ALL about them. The victims are in their way and have to be neutralized somehow or another. In medical school they are programmed to flip responsibility for the injuries they’ve caused off onto their victims: “YOU are the liar, YOU are crazy, YOU are deficient…” Labeling YOU first, loudly, let’s them off the hook and deflects attention elsewhere rather than where it truly belongs. If someone has to be “the crazy one” then they are going to make sure that label gets stuck onto YOU, not them. So begins the loud character assassinations, labeling, victim shaming, and so on.

We are called: hypochondriacs, malingerers, liars, attention-seekers, drug-seekers, laxative-abusers, and so on into infinity. And they will make a record of it to support their cause.


Doctor Games

  This is a tough one. Who wants to believe the people we trust with our very lives when we are at our lowest point are not always at the pinnacle of honesty and integrity? That, once we become ill or injured, regardless of whether it is related to a malpractice event or not, we will be systematically mined for all that can be extracted?

Milk The Cow

   A predatory game where the doctor already knows what the actual problem is, or at least suspects it, but feigns ignorance and layers on expensive, painful, and dangerous testing that starts at the far end of the possible causes and works s-l-o-w-l-y forward. It can be extended almost indefinitely by adding on a series of referrals to other doctors to spread the wealth around as far as possible, ensuring an equal reward returned from those doctors for the consideration. This game’s purpose is to extract as much money from the health insurer and/or the target as possible before offering a correct diagnosis and treatment–if it ever comes at all. Won’t sick and suffering people do just about anything, go anywhere, pay anything for even a ghost of a chance for relief? Especially if deliberately left untreated? This unconscionable behavior is a virtual gold mine for those indulging in it. The medical syndicate has access to “asset tracking” services, know exactly what, and how much, we are “worth”, financially, and can be plundered for.

Selective Blindness

Usually reserved for victims of medical malpractice to stonewall past the Statute Of Limitations and/or Statute Of Repose or for a chronic, progressive disease or injury that is expensive to treat properly that the health insurer doesn’t want acknowledged in order to skip out on paying for it. “We don’t SEE anything, and without a diagnosis we can’t offer treatment.”  “We just have no idea what could be wrong.” Doctors are programmed to say “we” instead of “I”.

Nothing seen is nothing offered; nothing offered is nothing spent on care.

If they went to medical school and were allowed to graduate, they DO know.


“Your symptoms don’t fit any pain pattern I know of, your perception is off, nobody else is having the problems you claim you are having, maybe you are a hypochondriac or a drug-seeker or an attention seeker? In any case, your symptoms are not even possible. You just think your symptoms are happening; it is all in your head”. And so on into infinity. You could come in holding your head in your hands and they’d tell you it wasn’t happening. This game is designed to make us doubt ourselves to the point we give in and accept their false version of the truth about what happened to us. This term comes from a vintage movie called “Gaslight”.


“If you want to keep your only child you will stop talking about this issue–now!” “Your husband has XXX illness and is seeing my friend Dr. X, right? I suppose he would like to continue to receive care from Dr. X…?”

Character Assassination

This is where friends, spouses, relatives and even neighbors are contacted and told lies about the target’s medical situation with the intent, and hope, of sowing strife and causing them to question what the target is saying.

New Best Friends

This comes from the adage “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. All of a sudden the person targeted becomes very sought after by people in the immediate environment who never once made an attempt at closer contact before. The nurse who lives across the street starts visiting often and pelts the target with questions at every contact, flips through the calendar on the wall, picks up mail from to table to see who the sender is, races to the house when company arrives and pelts them with questions, questions absences…then rockets the information gathered to their handler(s).

False Evidence/Erect A Facade

The wrong tests for the true and known condition are ordered and performed–and all naturally come back negative. They present this as “proof” the target is malingering or use it to stonewall for time. Then on to the next wrong test.

Or worse, they order the right tests for the true condition then present a false result stating the opposite as “proof” the actual condition they have chosen not to respond to for whatever reason doesn’t exist. And what doesn’t exist cannot be treated. This will be dragged out to the length of their intended purpose for the target, which can include death, deliberately untreated.

The “Prove It” Game

This game is particularly difficult to deal with because the medical syndicate holds all the cards. They write and hold the medical record. They control care offerings and diagnosis information. They decide which tests and interventions to offer and perform. They also layer on a set of abuses of a kind and in a manner that are difficult, if not impossible, to document–especially when we don’t see it coming and cannot prepare for it. We’ll be given an appointment for a day the staff knows the doctor is never in then turn us away, giggling behind their hands. How can we prove it wasn’t a mistake and not an abuse designed to insult us and waste our time?

The Truth OR “The Right Answer”

This game is also particularly difficult to navigate because no matter how we answer their questions about our medical condition that we are asked–pertaining to the malpractice event that has caused it–it is going to put us in a place we don’t want to be. We answer truthfully because we know without full information the symptoms we describe cannot be addressed properly and the source considered correctly. The problem is, we are not allowed to talk about our malpractice event and are expected to parrot the false information the system has tried to program us with that better fits their cover-up needs. Some of us refuse to do that. And that ignites anger–how dare we disobey? They don’t want the truth, they want “the right answer”.


Gang-stalking is reserved for their persistent injury victims who refuse to be programmed and bullied into compliance. The goal is to make themselves appear omnipresent, layer on a veil of potential menacing that could turn into action at any time, and try to make us believe we are losing touch with reality–with the two additional bonuses of making ourselves appear unbalanced to the ones around us when we talk about it and putting us in a position where we destroy our own credibility. These attacks are subtle. They will do things, or hire people to do things, to us that border on the ridiculous–so ridiculous that in the telling we will make ourselves appear unbalanced.

It will be nearly always be things clearly noticeable only to the person targeted, things that go right up to the edge of criminal assault but stop before crossing that line so that we cannot justify involving the police–which wouldn’t do any good anyhow because there is seldom, if ever, any concrete evidence. And the events can easily be, and nearly always are, written off to alternative causes by the police and those around us–thus fulfilling their agenda for them. We can’t win this game in any satisfying way: if we don’t talk about what is going on we suffer the attacks alone. If we do talk about it we help their cause by making ourselves look like lunatics and destroy our own credibility. Rather than go into the workings of typical gang-stalking here I’ll post citations to study.

Accusations Of Non-Compliance

This is a relatively new tool the medical syndicate has added to its war chest: prescribe a dangerous drug, an invasive procedure, or something too expensive for the target to accept then when the target refused to purchase or cooperate, they claim “non-compliance”. It is a doctor’s place to advise, not dictate. But New Medicine has other ideas.

There is a blogspot on the internet where doctors were actually talking about the possibility of health insurers SUING policyholders for non-compliance as a breach of contract, because, buried in some contracts is an ugly secret that could become a lucrative goldmine if the ones who wrote it into these contracts dared to apply it to its full potential: the wording might vary but the gist is: “the policyholder agrees to do whatever one of their plan doctors tell them to do, without quibble”. If we don’t want to take the risks of the possible side-effects of a particular drug, or undergo the pain of an invasive procedure, or accept a surgery we question the value of, or if we just can’t accept our portion of the cost–too bad. The doctor has made his/her decision and compliance is expected. The theory is if a policyholder doesn’t comply with blind obedience and his/her condition worsens, whether it can be attributed to the non-compliance issue or not, the contract has been breached–and costs for care from the point of the non-compliance incident is considered a recoverable expenses for the insurance company. Our signature made a contract. When we signed we agreed to every word in that contract, even if we didn’t read it before signing or understand what it all meant in real life.

Create False Hope Then Dash It

When we present more than one symptom, instead of putting them altogether and offering treatment based upon a correct diagnosis, they’ll isolate each symptom as if it stood alone and ask us to choose ONE symptom and say they will focus intervention on that one only–and then don’t.

Substitute An Alternative (false) “Diagnosis” That The Symptoms And Treatment Matches

Replace the truth with anything that even kind-of matches up and offer treatment for that.






Dayton Daily News, October 7, 1997, page 8-A, “Three malpractice settlements involving patients who died could wreck the career of a physician in private practice, setting off reviews by “peer committees”, and malpractice insurance underwriters and causing high premiums.”

Trauma and Recovery (book) by Judith Lewis Herman, M.D., “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator’s first line of defense. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tried to make sure no one listens. To this end, he marshals an impressive array of arguments, from the most blatant denial to the most sophisticated and elegant rationalization. After every atrocity one can expect to hear the same predictable apologies: it never happened; the victim brought it upon herself; and in any case it is time to forget the past and move on. The more powerful the perpetrator, the greater is his prerogative to name and define reality, and the more completely his arguments prevail.”

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, August 27, 1993, Letter To The Editor “Doctor’s Letter Gets Immediate Response” by Martha E. Douds, RN, BSN, QUOTE:

What is particularly frustrating for me is the lack of physicians who have the courage to speak out when they see that a patient has been seriously injured as a result of medical negligence. It seems that the path of least resistance prevails and eyes are closed and lips are sealed, instead of doing what is ethically correct. Thus, they become part of the problem instead of the solution.”

The Columbus Dispatch, 1-10-1996 “HMOs Offer Perverse Incentives To Physicians To Skimp On Care” by Fromma Harrop QUOTE: “HMOs monetary rewards for keeping patients away from expensive specialists, USHealthcare also penalizes internists 50 cents for every dollar one of their patients spends in an emergency room.” “Insurance companies fill up the politicians campaign chests. In turn, politicians make sure that nothing happens in Washington to jeopardize the insurers’ license to print money”

The New England Journal Of Medicine, 12-21-1995, “Extreme Risk–-The New Corporate Proposition For Physicians,” BY David U. Himmelstein, MD and Stephanie Woolhammer, MD, MPH; QUOTE: “For a growing number of physicians, income is tethered to conduct that furthers corporate profitability.” “Enter plans that tie doctors’ incomes to curtailing service.” “Risk sharing–what might be called fee-for-non-referral care–is the mirror image and ethical equivalent of these banned practices. In both instances, secrecy increases the ethical taint.” “Now a handful will make tens of millions as investors in risk-assuming groups, and some will boost their incomes by suppressing the use of services–an ever more difficult proposition as norms ratchet down. Many more, if their practice styles for their patients’ illnesses are too costly, will become unemployable…”

“This system pressures doctors to exploit patients’ trust for financial gain. We can influence patients choices among health plans, and we know their health status and care-seeking behavior–the optimal data for risk selection.”

“We can already glimpse the next phase. As fee-for-service medicine withers, risk selection by ­HMOs become a zero-sum game, presaging fierce competition among doctors to avoid sick patients. Already the chief of a university hospital reportedly has admonished faculty”

“[We can] no longer tolerate patients with complicated and expensive-to-treat conditions being encouraged to transfer to our group.”



Medical Record Tampering

“The best con artists never leave anyone feeling taken. None of their victims ever knows there’s been a crime,” page 357 of “You Came Back” by Christopher Coake

   It became clear who, and what, I was really dealing with the day I asked to borrow my x-ray file from the hospital where my injury(s) occurred so I could hand-carry it to an appointment out of town. The staff was very interested in where I was going, who I was going to see, and I wouldn’t tell them–not that it would have made any difference if I did because what I didn’t know back then was there is a country-wide dictate that it was strictly hands-off injury cases like mine and nobody would be allowed to intervene unless I was referred there by the surgeon of record. I had wrongly assumed, in my early trust and ignorance, that since the locals “just had no idea what could be wrong” and/or “didn’t want to get involved” I could possibly get a clean and ethical response out of town, out of state, maybe out of the country if necessary.

   I have a college-level education in photography. At home, when I took the films out to examine them what I saw horrified me: I had two sets of CT Scans sheets. Both sets had runs of manipulated images at the same set-points then picked up clean again when it got past the area of liability: the damaged area inside my body. I didn’t know yet what was being concealed, only that it was. But I wanted to get other opinions–so I consulted people I knew socially who were educated in photography…and then asked two FBI agents to look at my films. All saw the same tampering I saw; the FBI agents told me not to return these films to the hospital, to keep them and put them in a safe place–and to tell others with my particular iatrogenic injury to do the same “because they are solid evidence of a crime”. (but what good is solid evidence if there is no clean place to take it for prosecution?)

   That was when I understood I was in bigger trouble than I had first thought. What does one DO with a betrayal of this magnitude?

   Later, an out-of-town x-ray technician, who had been injured at the same surgery I was, told me hospitals (at that time) kept two sets of x-ray films–one set is the manipulated ones with the areas of liability concealed through under or over exposure, masking or dodging and has the patient’s name on the envelope. This is the only set patients would be allowed to access, look at, and borrow. The other set is the clean set. This clean set doesn’t have the patient’s name on its envelope, however, it only has the patient’s assigned number on it and “For Doctors Only” written in big letters. When a doctor wanted to look at a patient’s x-ray file it had to be done by using the assigned patient number. This is the file we will never be given access to.

   Film is film

   Masking was the tampering method of choice. When developing the runs of CT scan films the technician will expose the whole sheet for just a few seconds to lay down a faint image then turns off the light source.  A ready-made, cut-to-fit, strip of cardboard is placed across the length of the run of images to be tampered with, then the light source is turned back on and the sheet of film is exposed for the rest of the correct time under the light to lay down clean images in the rest of the run. The finished product will read clearly in the other images but will be too faint to read across the ones that have been masked. That is only half of the con; the second half comes with the written report. The one writing the report will state something like this: “normal in the VISUALIZED portions” Are they lying? No. It is the manipulated images that contain the damaged areas–the ones too light, or too dark to “visualize” clearly. Get it?

   Flat films are usually over-exposed for the manipulated file, will be too dark to see anything clearly. This is how it was back when I was injured in 1991.

   Today, however, x-ray imaging has gone digital and is stored in their computers. Good luck getting access to those clean images. Digital images can be “photo-shopped” to present anything the medical syndicate wishes them to present. The clean written reports can be “edited” before printing out, or being uploaded to the patient’s on-line/internet file.

   If you scroll down to the bottom of a lab report or a radiology report you will find the word “Edited–Final” if it has been scrutinized and the incriminating portions removed or changed.

  An ultrasound technician can adjust the angle of the hand-held portion to contaminate the actual image and make it look like something else, something the syndicate dictates and prefers.

   Written reports, back when I was first injured and hospitals kept a paper file on patients (in addition to a microfiche and a computer file that was contained within its own system only) the written reports for the paper files were carefully worded in a “special language” whereby medical professionals could relay vital information to one another about what actually appeared in the x-ray films or lab specimens, etc. while at the same time concealing it from the patient of record. This is going to be a tough one to get across but I am going to try; once you understand how it works you can use it to decipher your own written reports:

   This tampering method has a name: Hegelian Dialectic Antithesis. In this method, no equals yes and yes equals no. Plus, those writing the dirty reports for the paper file are very SPECIFIC about what they “didn’t see/note/identify” and EXACTLY where they “didn’t see/note/identify it”. The perpetrators of this dirty-work bank on the hope that most people are not familiar with Hegel and would not recognize the clear patterns of this “special language” for what it really is and just pass over it–just like I did until I knew better.

Examples (from my own medical record):

“No thrombus seen in the left ventricle,” TRANSLATION: there is a blood clot in the heart’s left ventricle.

“No abnormal calcifications noted in the left lobe,”  TRANSLATION: there are abnormal calcifications in the left lobe of the liver.

“No free air seen under either hemidiaphragm,”  TRANSLATION: there is free air under both hemidiaphragms.

   I have examined other people’s paper files and saw the same tampering methodology. I saw it in one person’s military medical record.

   Today, with the medical record stored in the computer databases, they simply edit before presenting it in any form to the patient, edit out the information the medical syndicate wants to conceal. The separate healthcare systems have an agreement to help conceal each other’s criminal activity and patient harm so it makes no difference where we go trying to get a clean service.

   One local hospital with a church/religious affiliation is no more honest and clean in its dealings with the public than the others. Its doctors and staff perform all the same cover-up protocols, verbal abuses, records-tampering methodologies and so on with the same cold lack of respect for the law and the people it sells its services to.

   The tampering method it uses on specific components of lab results the medical syndicate wants to conceal is called “transposing”–the staff scrambles the blood and/or urine values for specific lab results for a particular patient in a standardized pattern only they have the key to. Or they will simply eliminate the value for a particular result in the hope the patient will pass over it as insignificant.

   One of my associates had this experience: in the ER, late at night when it was virtually empty, an honest doctor came up to her and said: “follow me–I want to show you something” and took her to the desk area, called up her CLEAN computer-stored medical file and let her read it. It read NOTHING like the sanitized paper file copies she had been given by that hospital.

   I have an example in my medical record where the emergency room staff cut apart my lab sheet and substituted someone else’s normal results–then ran it through their copier instead of giving me the clean computer printout. But the one who patched this paper together did a very poor job of lining things up. Words were cut off by half, the patch was laid onto the sheet crooked.

   A nurse, who was injured at laparoscopic gallbladder surgery back when it was new, showed me her surgery consent form, said it was NOT the form she had signed; this one allowed a trainee to perform her surgery. She said she would never sign a paper like that. I looked at her signature and it was crooked, floating well above the signature line. They had clearly transferred her signature from the form she had actually signed to a different one of their choosing, that allowed something she didn’t agree to nor want. She and I had two FBI agents inspect the form and they told us how the transfer was performed: the one doing the tampering cuts a window in a blank sheet of paper that exposes only the signature on the original form then runs it through the copy machine to align with the signature area on the form it is to be transferred to–which doesn’t always come out in perfect alignment–like what appeared on this nurse’s form. This is why I advise people to sign in any color but black and get a copy on the spot, don’t leave without it, don’t take “no” for an answer..

   If someone is going to try to run a scam they should at least take the time to do it right, make it look believable.

   My experience with the video of my botched surgery went like this: I was given a copy that had been edited; it takes up after surgery is well underway and doesn’t reflect the detail noted in the written operative report. The Medical Board, after I had made a complaint, also asked for, and was given, a copy of the surgery video–unedited, the staff claimed. They showed it to me, just the VHS cassette itself, not the actual video–it was labeled “Bird Watching In North America”. Apparently, to thwart their injury victims from somehow getting hold of the unedited version, decided a good way to keep that from happening is to label these videos with anything but their victim’s name or other identifying information and keep the “key” of what video belongs to which victim separate. Clever monsters…



Journal Of Endodontics, May 2008, Vol. 34, Issue 5, Pages 530-536


Abstract:  Digital radiography has become an indispensable diagnostic tool in dentistry today. To improve vision and diagnosis, dental x-ray software allows image enhancement (eg, adjusting color, density, sharpness, brightness, or contrast). Exporting digital radiographs to a file format compatible with commercial graphic software increases chances that information can be altered, added, or removed in an unethical manner. Dental radiographs are easily duplicated, stored, or distributed in digital format. It is difficult to guarantee the authenticity of digital images, which is especially important in insurance or juridic cases. Image-enhancement features applied to digital radiographs allow mishandling or potential abuse. This has been illustrated by several recently published studies. A standard authentication procedure for digital radiographs is needed. A number of manipulated radiographic images are presented to show concerns about security, reliability, and the potential for fraud. Anti-tampering techniques and methods of detecting manipulations in digital medical images are discussed.


PMC, March 28, 2007, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043827/  By Wu, Chang, Chen, Wang, Kuo, Moon, and Chen, “Tamper Detection And Recovery For Medical Images Using Near Loss-Less Information Hiding Technique,” QUOTE: “Digital medical images are very easy to be modified for illegal purposes. For example, microcalcification in mammography is an important diagnostic clue, and it can be wiped off intentionally for insurance purposes or added intentionally into a normal mammography. In this paper, we proposed two methods to tamper detection and recovery for a medical image.”

ABC News, PrimeTime Live (transcript), 1-14-1998, “Sound Advice,” QUOTE: Diane Sawyer (voice over): “And it’s not just obstetrical ultrasound. Every year, millions of ultrasound scans are performed on other organs like hearts and arteries. To show you how much skill matters, we asked this well-trained ultrasound sonographer to take an image of an artery, a clear one, with no blockage that could cause stroke. But it’s very sensitive technology. Look what happens when one knob is turned incorrectly or the probe is held at slightly the wrong angle. Suddenly, that clear artery looks completely blocked when it’s not–a mistake which could lead to unnecessary and risky testing or surgery. Look again. The correct image and the incorrect one. And compare this good image of a liver and kidney with this murky one which could cause the doctors who review the scans to miss disease. (on camera) So since the skill of the sonographer is crucial, you probably think that all the tens of thousands of people doing ultrasounds are highly trained and certified. But you’d be wrong…”


From A Lawyer (gotten for me through from one of their on-line subscription services), From A Lawyer (gotten for me through from one of their on-line subscription services), Author Unknown, QUOTE: “A Note pf caution on video documentation: “Do not give a copy to your patient. If you make videos for teaching, avoid identifying information other than the subject of interest, e.g. “Laparoscopic Splenectomy”. Do not write the date of the procedure or the patient’s gender, race, name, address, or hospital identification number. Remember, an unedited tape of a procedure shown before a jury may make you appear as though you are shaky, awkward, and  tenuous as a surgeon no matter how good a technical endoscopist you are.”

Prairie Law, Subject: Re: Doctoring Of Medical Records,  

 Dear Dr. Kennedy,  

With all due respect, I am sure that you believe your statements regarding records. But, in fact the experiences of medical professionals who are not physicians would prove you wrong. Most nurses are requested to change their documentation after “an untoward event”. I have personal experience with just such an event with a highly reputable university medical center. The radiology dept. where I worked for several years indeed shredded films when “lawsuits” were pending. Please try to listen to what the facts are that are being presented on this forum. You need to have some perspective of what plaintiffs actually are up against as you face them from the witness box. The power of the hospital, insurer, and you far exceeds their weapons in their search for justice.    XXXX R.N. LNCC


Electronic Medical Records

   When electronic medical record storage was being sold to the public back in the 1990s it was framed like this: “if you live in one state and have an accident in another state any doctor anywhere can access your compete medical file and lab results, x-rays, etc. from any location you happen to be in order to provide the best care possible.” Sounds great, right? And for that single use, it IS great. But it also has another use: tracking people, particularly medical malpractice victims.

   It used to be possible for a person injured by a doctor in his/her own community to travel out of town or out of state to get a correct diagnosis and access the care being wantonly withheld at home. Not anymore. We could come in with a clean slate before the widespread use of electronic medical records but the electronic medical record follows us everywhere now.

   New Medicine’s “eat what you kill” protocol works best when medical records are stored in a centralized computer database–it prevents patient escape and thwarts strays wandering, enables unity in the presentation.

   And don’t think for a minute that different medical systems won’t unify to help each other when it comes to concealing each others’ malpractice events. If one system does it for another system they can count on the favor returned for help concealing the malpractice events their doctors have caused.

   Hospitals have had electronic medical records for a long time already but they were kept within their own system. Or linked within a community, called a C.H.I.N. (Community Health Information Network) Government and other vested interests wanted all these individual networks linked into one huge database–and they got it. (called: H.I.E.– Health Information Exchange)

   Life insurance companies always kept a database on health records. One large company is the Medical Information Bureau located in Braintree, Massachusetts.



“They Know Your Secrets,” 20/20 9-30-94,  (transcript #1439), QUOTE: “With the advent of computer technology, more and more medical information is being transferred from doctor and hospital files into centralized computer data bases. The centralization of data does help to hold down costs and it does make it easier for health professionals to treat patients, but it also makes it easier for outsiders to tap into that very same data.”



Referral To Psychiatrists Or Psychologists

   A word of warning: once injured by a doctor and we begin questioning the “care” we are (or most likely aren’t) receiving, the standardized cover-up program dictates referral to a psychiatrist or some other such hand-selected “mental health professional” who has proven blind obedience and loyalty to the “club” and its rules. If we are so foolish as to accept such a referral we need to keep our back to the wall at all times because that so-called professional will never be working for our best-interests. They have one purpose: to ferret out our weak points then use them to disable us psychologically, dig out as much “dirt” on us as can be extracted for the medical syndicate to hold over our heads as they see fit, and to advise us to blindly obey and behave along the lines of the medical syndicate’s comfort.

   They will also offer to prescribe anti-depressants, tranquilizers, and other such drugs to reduce or neutralize our natural, normal (and unwelcome) response to being abused by the medical syndicate.

   These drugs can be harmful to certain disease processes, especially since a correct diagnosis is being deliberately withheld. There is no way any outsider can have enough information to protect themselves from wrong drugs and contraindicated treatments.

   There is also the diabolical intention to make a permanent, false-and-insulting, record of our having“mental health issues” to be utilized to discredit us if, in the unlikely event, that our medical malpractice case ever makes it into a courtroom.

   It will also be utilized to advantage by every medical professional we seek care from forever after. An example is being asked “what could I do to make you really angry?” and if we answer truthfully “call me a liar about my medical issues” we will be purposefully, and viciously, called a liar every time we raise a specific complaint about a symptom directly related to our doctor­ caused injury. We don’t have to answer every question we are asked. Especially when asked by people with questionable intent.

   One injury victim’s weak point was her appearance; once the psychiatrist learned this he would masterfully hammer her, viciously, with that topic at every visit and she would phone me afterward in tears. It never occurred to her that she was being deliberately abused and to just stop seeing this monster.

   A custom-tailored abuse program will be created from the information we trustingly give them and it will be used by every contact we have with the “club” forever after in the attempt to try to break us down. It’ll be entered into our computer files and at the ready for instant reference to all who seek to utilize it against us. (the same applies to charted allergens; hospital staff “forgets” we are deathly allergic to a specific drug…understand?)

   One, seemingly innocent, question we are routinely asked is: “what can I do to make you really angry?” Do not answer this question, or instead answer with something that isn’t true and doesn’t matter, because if we tell them the truth that answer will be spread across the whole system and will be used as a tool to abuse us with every place we go forever after.

   Disgusting cowards band together in order to gain the ability to commit acts they’d never have the courage to commit on their own: women, children, the poor, the elderly, prisoners and such disenfranchised segments of society are easy targets, cannot fight back or protect themselves from predation on a level playing field.


Blutkitt is a German word meaning “blood cement”

(Click here to continue on to Part Three)