“What We’ve Learned”

What We've Learned

A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving Medical Intervention

"What We've Learned - A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving Medical Intervention" is a companion volume to "Killing Tony - Excerpts from My Diary".  It is based on the hind-sight insights of Tony Salerno's surviving loved ones.  The book is a clear, step-by-step what to do and what to expect guide for all incurable disease patients and their families.  Tony Salerno was killed as a result of a culmination of medical errors, miscommunication, and wrong decisions by his doctors and hospitals - a now well-documented phenomenon that is happening all too often.  

So that something positive might come out of this horrific experience, Thomas Salerno has collaborated with the author to produce this informational and awareness guide so that the patient is "eyes wide open" to what to expect, what to do, and how to respond.  It includes a precise map of how to communicate with and what to expect from the doctors and hospitals that patients will be dealing with.  Along the way, you will learn about the surprising latitude you have in owning all of the information — and options — related to your treatment, the surprising reality of what is expected of the patient, and precise options for proceeding at any given step in the remediation process.  Most patients are surprised at how much control they actually do have over their own recovery.  Doctors and hospitals are busy places with their own agenda.  Understanding the institution's and doctor's worldview, knowing what all of your options are, and what action can be taken to ensure the best possible outcome, will be critical to avoiding the disaster that was the Tony Salerno incident. 

"What We've Learned - A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving Medical Intervention" . . . Coming soon to a bookstore near you.